Approaching retirement can bring many feelings, hopes and fears that have never been experienced before. How do you feel about retirement? What are your hopes in retirement? What are your fears in retirement? What do you want to achieve in retirement? What will make your retirement a success? What obstacles are in the way of your retirement success? These are just a few of the questions one may ask.


We are hear to listen.

Life has been a Journey


Remember your 20s and 30s?


Muscle cars, the Vietnam War, The Beatles, Woodstock, Watergate, pet rocks, disco, the Cold War and music which defined a generation.

You may have joined the Armed Services after high school or went on to college. You were getting out, landing that first job and having the time of your life. You were on your way to building your career or becoming an entrepreneur and starting that first business.

Dating, Friday Happy Hours; then before you knew it, meeting that special person, getting married, having kids and buying your first house. The world was your oyster and you were after the brass ring! Yeah, you still remember those days.

Time Passes - Now you're in your 50s, 60s or later years


The kids grow up and maybe go off to college. Quite a few years have gone by. Now some may be coming back home, you've become grandparents or maybe you have healthcare responsibilities for a chronically ill parent. How things can change so fast. Where has the time gone?

You've been working 30 years or longer to build up your personal capital to enjoy the dreams you've both worked so hard for. This may include vacationing, launching a second career, spending more time with the grandkids, being involved in charitable endeavors or just being together again and enjoying each other's company. You want these next years to be full-filled and lived in good health with minimal concerns over your financial well-being. Right?

So, what will your future hold?

Portrait multi-generation family outdoors
Couple in Garden

You've worked hard during your life to get to where you are. You've both probably made some sacrifices along the way. You've envisioned the kind of lifestyle you want and how you'll spend the time enjoying it. You want to relish life's moments, no matter how small they may seem together.

We live in the most challenging of times. Rocketing medical cost increases, sub-optimal economic growth, ballooning student loan debt, historically low interest rates and a legislative process which seems to be broken and unresponsive to "we the people".

Whether you're near, at or in retirement; prudent planning could be the difference between having the kind of life you both dreamed of or the stark reality of trying to make ends meet each month. There are many decisions to make. Making the wrongs ones could be catastrophic. Having a plan helps you identify and understand the risks you face. Which ones you want to keep and manage and which ones should be insured against. In return, you get considerable peace of mind knowing you're able to weather life's unpredictable storms.

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