Long-Term Care Planning

Financial Disclosure & Disclaimer Statement


Stephen J. Stellhorn, MSM Capital Management, LLC and any of their affiliates or any FINRA/SEC member firm(s) or insurance companies they may be affiliated with, either individually or severally, assume no fiduciary or other responsibility or liability for any consequences, financial or otherwise, arising from any investments in the securities, equities, bonds or other fixed income investments mentioned herein.


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All opinions and estimates included on this site constitute judgment as of the date indicated or this date (as applicable) and are subject to change without notice. These are the opinions of Stephen J Stellhorn, MSM Capital Management, LLC and its affiliates ONLY and are NOT reflective of the views, opinions or expressions of any FINRA/SEC member firm(s) or insurance companies which Stephen J. Stellhorn and/or MSM Capital Management, LLC may affiliate with in the future. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to its accuracy, adequacy, completeness, timeliness or correctness for any particular purpose. Any warranties, whether express or implied or any statutory warranties of any kind are hereby disclaimed.